After reading this Lab, I think that the main reasons that people have less close friends is because of technology and the whole idea of being "popular" at schools. I feel that technology is causing this shift in friendships because instead of people meeting in person to talk, or even tak over the phone, they are using texting and facebook which aren't as emotionally connecting between people. Also, even though the whole idea of being "popular" is to have more friends I feel like people are so busy trying to meet new people so that they have the most friends, that they aren't taking the time to get to know the friends that they already have. One of my favorite quotes about friendship says, "A friend is someone who knows everything about you, but still loves you anyway." A feel like people aren't taking the time to trust and really get to know people before they are off finding new "friends". Friends are an important part of people's lives and it should be about quality, not quantity.